Hoofdafbeelding Agilent G1377A Micro-Wps HPLC 1100 series

Agilent G1377A Micro-Wps HPLC 1100 series

Article nr.: 8088
Wanted/For Sale



The Agilent 1100 Series G1377A Micro-WPS (Micro Wellplate Autosampler) is designed to perform capillary LC with injection of sample volumes ranging from nL to uL. Features a micro Rheodyne valve and the optimized design of the needle seat, loop and seat capillaries minimize dispersion. A high-resolution metering device offers resolution ten times better than a standard autosampler, bypass operation facilitates low delay volume, increased sample injection speed for high sample throughput, flexible and convenient sample handling with different types of sample containers. Using 384-well plates allows to process up to 768 samples unattended.



Agilent HPLC system Agilent 1100 Series
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