Used laboratory equipment for sale

Buying new laboratory equipment can cost you a lot of money as an owner. Sometimes so much that you might want to look for second-hand laboratory equipment. On the internet, you will find numerous providers in basic equipment to specialized equipment, as 2nd hand or used / refurbished chromatography equipment.

Work more sustainably & buy 2nd hand lab equipment and 2nd hand chromatography instruments 

 Why buy second-hand laboratory equipment? 

Often because these are cheaper and because we live in a sustainable society where we want to protect our earth.  

A laboratory buyer may choose to buy new laboratory equipment / chromatography equipment. These are equipped with all new gadgets. These equipment have a long service life and are high in terms of purchase. Many manufacturers provide service contracts when purchasing a new product. 

What does used laboratory equipment cost?

With 2nd-hand laboratory equipment or second-hand chromatography equipment, the purchase is many times lower. It can even save you up to 80%. And what's absolutely great is that results from these devices are still of high quality.
You work in a laboratory or are a buyer or seller of chromatography equipment and have an older system sitting around. Together with Labrecycling, you can give these chromatography systems a 2nd life

Did you know that old chromatography instruments are worth money?

You can sell your old HPLC, LC/MS, GC, GC/MS, ICP and even AAS to the Dutch company Labrecycling. You can receive money for this or choose to donate to a charity of your choice. 

You have a old and broken chromatography system and would like to buy a newer model?
2-hand laboratory equipment = sustainable

Sell your used laboratory equipment or 2nd hand chromatography equipment and contribute to our environment. Become sustainable and contact Labrecycling
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