Agilent 7890A
The Agilent 7890A is a state-of-the- art gas chromatograph that provides superior performance for all appli- cations. Key to its performance is the use of advanced electronic pneu- matic control (EPC) modules and high performance GC oven tempera- ture control. Each EPC unit is opti- mized for its intended use with a specific inlet and detector option.
GC oven temperature control of the 7890A oven allows for fast and pre- cise temperature ramping. Overall thermal performance provides opti- mal chromatography including peak symmetry, retention time repeata- bility, and retention index accuracy.
The combination of precise pneu- matic and temperature control leads to extremely precise retention time reproducibility, which is the basis for all chromatographic measurement.
Agilent’s proprietary Capillary Flow Technology provides a new dimen- sion in chromatography with reli- able, leak-free, in-oven capillary connections that stand up to repeated GC oven cycling over time. The 7890A GC has enhanced firmware to extend Capillary Flow capabilities and enhanced datasys- tem software to simplify set-up and operation of backflush. These new tools make it easier to analyze com- plex matrices and unknowns, and provide gains in productivity and data integrity for routine analyses via 2-dimensional heart cutting, detector splitting, and column back- flushing.
The 7890A GC has advanced built-in capabilities to monitor system resources (counters, electronic logs and diagnostics). Agilent GC sys- tems are known for their reliability, ruggedness, and long life. The Agilent 10-year use guarantee pro- vides greater assurance for a low- cost of ownership throughout the GC’s life.
Agilent 7890A FID
- Flame ionization detector (FID) that responds to most organic compounds.
- Minimum detectable level (for tridecane): < 1.8 pg C/s
- Linear dynamic range: >107
(± 10%). Full-range digital data path enables peaks to be quanti- fied over the entire 107 concen- tration range in a single run. - Data rates up to 500 Hz accom- modate peaks as narrow as
10 msec at half height.
Standard electronic pneumatic control for three gases:
- Air: 0 to 800 mL/min
-H2 :0to100mL/min
- Makeup gas (N2 or He): 0 to 100 mL/min
- Available in two versions: capil- lary column optimized or adapt- able for either packed or capillary columns.
- Flameout detection and auto- matic reignition
450 °C maximum operating tem- perature
* Source Agilent Data Sheet