Hoofdafbeelding Thermo Scientific Finnigan TSQ Quantum Ultra
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Thermo Scientific Finnigan TSQ Quantum Ultra

Article nr.: 4012
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The Finnigan TSQ Quantum Ultra

The Thermo Scientific Finnigan TSQ Quantum Ultra AM has the additional capability of routine accurate mass measurement on the chromatographic timescale, to facilitate compound identification. It contains a meticulously redesigned analyzer control board, which takes full advantage of the HyperQuads™, and permits accurate mass measurements to within ±5 ppm.

This innovation imparts accurate mass measurement performance that is easier to use and have a greater dynamic range than those of instruments based on hybrid quadrupole/time-of-flight technology.

source: select science 

TSQ Quantum UltraTM


The TSQ Quantum UltraTM is a member of the TSQ® family of FinniganTM mass spectrometers. The TSQ Quantum Ultra is a high performance triple stage quadrupole mass spectrometer. It includes a syringe pump, a divert/inject valve, an atmospheric pressure ionization (API) source, and the Xcalibur® data system. In a typical analysis, a sample can be introduced in any of the following ways: 

  • Using the syringe pump without the divert/inject valve or an LC system (direct injection). The syringe pump can be connected directly to the ion source to provide a steady state introduction of sample or tuning and calibration solution. 
  • Using the syringe pump and an LC system without the divert/inject valve (infusion into LC flow). The syringe pump can be used to infuse sample into the flow of mobile phase from an LC system. 
  • Using the inject valve fitted with a loop and an LC system (flow injection analysis). A syringe pump can be used to fill the loop (auto loop injection) or you can manually fill the loop (manual loop injection). 
  •  Using the divert valve and an LC system fitted with an analytical column. The data system can be configured to divert the solvent flow to waste to avoid unnecessary contamination of the mass spectrometer with undesired sample materials. 
  • Using an LC system without the divert/inject valve. The LC system can be connected directly to the ion source to reduce LC system void volume. 
  • In analysis by LC/MS, a sample is injected onto an LC column. The sample is then separated into its various components. The components elute from the LC column and pass into the mass spectrometer where they are analyzed. Analysis by direct infusion or flow injection provides no chromatographic separation of components in the sample before it passes into the mass spectrometer. The data from the mass spectrometer are then stored and processed by the Xcalibur data system. 


Source: FinniganTM TSQ® Quantum UltraTM Getting Started 

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