Hoofdafbeelding Agilent 7683B Automatic Liquid Sampler (G2913A) & (G2614A)

Agilent 7683B Automatic Liquid Sampler (G2913A) & (G2614A)

Article nr.: 9039
Wanted/For Sale
High quality analyses
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The Agilent 7683B ALS is designed to work seamlessly with Agilent GCs:  7890A, 6890N, and 6890 Plus. Its injector tray and bar code reader can be connected without the need for a controller box – or multiple power cords and outlets.

Combine Agilent 7683B ALS with a 7890A or  6890N GC


Yes I want to buy this First-class refurbished Agilent 7683B Automatic Liquid Sampler


The Agilent 7683B automatic liquid sampler (ALS) – combined with 7890A or  a  6890 GC system– gives you two reliable options for large-volume injections:

First option:

Use a pressure pulse with your split/splitless inlet, which allows you to increase your injection volume quickly, without additional equipment.

Second option:

Introduce larger samples (5 μL to 500 μL) with Agilent 7890A and 6890 GC systems configured for large-volume injection.* This lets you push detection limits down by one or two orders of magnitude while improving sample throughput and the quality of your results.

Pleas be aware that:

The newest Agilent’s ALS controller interfaces with  the 7683B (and 7683A) systems to 6890A GCs, the last one, the 6890A system requires an optional controller.


Autosamplers Agilent Autosampler
Agilent GC Agilent 6890N,Agilent 6890Plus
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